Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day one! Sunday February 6th 2011

I  am currently fighting with my body to recover from a bacterial infection called LYME DISEASE. Being a former athlete I was taken down by these little bugs that drill into my bones, organ and brain. They call them spirochete. I knew the second month of being sick what it was, i researched and went to doctor after doctor to get help and some didn't even know what Lyme was. I tried treating it naturally until i finallly got antibiotics from a wonderful doctor who eventually turned against me. It was to big of a problem for an MD. I am almost at a year in my treatment process and am considering the natural route again. I feel good today. Just watched a Documentary called "The Beautiful Truth." Wonderful facts about how eating organic, juicing and exercise can cure cancer and many other diseases. I am taking about 30mg of pain medicine a day, 3mg anxiety meds, 6000mg amoxacillin, Lumbrokisine(earth worm enzyme,) and Grapefruit seed extract(500mg) With Diflucan(yeast infection protection) and A LOT of vitamins. I think I am going to yoga at 430pm and then a light jog. I did eat a small portion of PB Choc Icecream. No more sugar tomorrow  and forever I have to promise myself that. Until Tomorrow.....